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Early Childhood Studies Senior Portfolio

Early Childhood Studies Senior Portfolio Projects

Description of the Portfolio

The portfolio is a collection of a student’s work that demonstrates the student’s growth over time as an early childhood professional. A portfolio identifies what an emerging professional knows, and the areas in which she/he is still developing.  It reveals the student’s understanding of professionalism in work with young children and their families by connecting the student’s work to the teacher preparation standards set forth by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the California Early Childhood Educator Competencies, and the student learning outcomes of the Early Childhood Studies baccalaureate program at Sonoma State University.  It provides documentation of additional skills associated with a B.A. degree, specifically those represented in the SSU General Education learning outcomes, such as critical thinking, oral communication skills, and breadth of knowledge across various disciplines. The portfolio will also be used by the ECS Program and the School of Education for assessment and accreditation purposes, which helps ensure accountability and quality of the ECS Program.

Signature Assignments and Reflections

A significant component of your portfolio is represented by the signature assignments that demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and professionalism related to the student learning outcomes for the Early Childhood Studies major. Each assignment addresses specific student learning outcomes and will be completed in one of the core courses. Most core courses have a signature assignment. 

Jenny Bluestein






Lorena Hernandez Ramirez